death fanned out through the network
as idle fingers reaching for the hub
found a mangled mash-up
of chastened flesh
and brazen steel
red Audi woman and HGV man
(their names did not register
but it's not like I knew them
or can claim to have cared)
for death spelt not this
abrupt bloody coupling
or silent resound
but the absence of movement
and a road that hummed
with the tin-can-chatter of
thoughts out sped by
time's standing still
spaces become confused
Philae on her side
300 million miles from home
stutters in the dark
as quiet descends over the motorway
and the flow and clot
of light-years bleeding
like oil
a vision of earthly grace
he drives she drives it drives
the drive drives
the drive crashes
and our world it folds inward
nothing but the night
and a face staring back
from the polished-stone black
of a screen rendered cold
as a slab
November 2014
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